after more than two years, it is finally time again. The EUROTOI is back and we are exhibiting.
We are already very excited about the new location, which opens up many new possibilities and promises a lot for us exhibitors and our visitors. But most of all, we are eager to see you – our customers – again, to exchange ideas and to hear your feedback on our products.
For example, what is your opinion on our new toilet trailer with vacuum and solar technology? How do you like our newly revised urinal GLO:PEE? What solutions would you like to see? What do you think we can improve?
If you prefer to discuss this informally over a cold drink, then let’s meet at the EUROTOI evening event on Thursday, 06 October starting at 8 pm! We invite you to the Western bar on the exhibition grounds in Kalkar. Drinks are on us.
You can find more information about the fair on You can book your hotel directly under this link.
We are pushing ahead with the final planning, and then we hope to see you in October at our booth! We have a lot in store for you.